_I have discovered, that for every good intention you have, for every goal you set, with every objective you lay out, with every dream you hope to have come true through hard work, perseverance and faith in yourself, (but more importantly faith that God wants your every happiness), there is one person standing there saying and doing things to bring you down. And when they aren't saying or doing something, they are with holding their love and support in the hopes they can see you stumble and fail.

But to them I say, "Thank you for reminding me that I am a strong person and in the face of opposition I can and have prevailed. Thanks for reminding me that my God is way bigger than any doubting Thomas. Thanks for saying 'you can't' because every time you do, I just fight back with, 'oh yes I can, just watch!' and then I do. I am a decent person just ambling along the path of life with everyone else, and even though I am no better than anyone else, to God I am his unique and special creation. And when you try to bring me down God finds a way to remind me of how much He loves me. So keep on, because I will only continue to hear the voice of God's love drowning you out and what a beautiful, magical, wonderful melody it is!!!! Oh no - you are NOT bigger than my God."

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